Welcome to Africa's First Water Fund

About us

Clean water.
Community benefits.
Conserve nature.

As Africa’s first water fund, Upper Tana-Nairobi Water Fund Trust (UTNWF) provides a simple solution to one of the most pressing issues facing the world right now – water security.

The water fund concept is founded on the principle that it is cheaper to prevent water problems at the source than it is to address them later. UTNWF brings together public and private downstream users (like the city of Nairobi and its residents) and upstream watershed stewards (such as agricultural landholders) through their shared stake in a healthy water future.

Sprouted by The Nature Conservancy, UTNWF has seen incredible growth and interest and is an independent organization as of September 2021, operating locally and rooted in decades of experience, research and practice across the world.

vision, mission, values

A well conserved and managed Upper Tana watershed that sustains healthy livelihoods and ecosystem functions in the region and beyond


Cost-Effective Development Portfolios

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The Nairobi Water Fund Annual Report 2020

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What your Gift can do

Donate avocado tree seedlings

Support communities’ livelihoods by donating avocado tree seedlings. Each seedling has a potential benefit of KES 5000 to the farmers in yields – @KES 100 per tree

Harvest surface runoff

Support communities to harvest surface runoff, reduce dry season abstraction of water, and prevent sedimentation in water bodies by installing water harvesting ponds on farms. A unit can harvest upto 50,000 liters of water per season with an ability to irrigate 382 m2 of French beans for 75 days during dry season – each unit is KES 7000

Terraces and grass strips

Terraces and grass strips installed on the steep slopes of upper Tana help to significantly reduce soil erosion from farmlands thus reducing water disruption from clogging of water intakes and reservoirs. These measures help stabilize soil structure and nutrients thus improving land productivity – @ 1000 meters installed at KES 23,121.

Riparian lands protection

Riparian lands protection plays a huge role in creating buffers to trap sediments and nutrients from reaching the waterbodies. Your donation can help protect 1000 meters of a river on both sides at KES 94,484.

Our partners

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I wasn’t seeing any profits on my farm because of water shortage and had to rely on the rainy seasons. With help from UTNWF, I have a lot of water harvested in the water pans. Now I don’t lack food and money in my pocket.

Irene Mumiria

Smallholder Farmer in Murang’a County

We can say now we are food secure using the waterpans given to us by TNC. We are very grateful that we are very stable farmers now and our lives have been transformed.

Stanley Kaminju

Farmer in Upper Tana, Kenya

Coffee is gold, I have increased my production and am now able to reinvest my income to new initiatives like poultry and pig farming.

Gladys Wangechi

Small-scale Farmer in Mukurweini, Nyeri County.

Over the past two years, while we have been undergoing the process for RAC with the Water Fund, we’ve noticed a big improvement both in production and in quality of the coffee.

Ms. Kariuki

Manager, Thunguri Coffee factory

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for the Trust

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